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Retro Remakes Challenge

During 2022/23 I embarked upon a personal challenge to remake 12 classic Sinclair ZX Spectrum games, one every month for a year, in honour of the 40th anniversary of the machine that started my journey into computer programming and technology.

This is the culmination of that project, each game is shown here, and playable on my itch.io account. For more details of the development of each game, check out the RetroRemakes section of my blog where I document the journey in more detail, with video updates and explanations of the fun and challenges of remaking these games on such a short timeframe.

In some cases, the intention was to stick as close as possible to the original in all respects, such as “Splat”, where the original graphics and sounds were either used or recreated to match. In other games, I decided to modernise the look and feel while remaining as faithful as possible to the gameplay and ideal of the original, such as “Confuzion”. In all cases, I have made every effort to keep the original intent and maintain the playability and feel of the original. So I encourage you to seek out the original games where possible when evaluating how well I achieved this goal and keep in mind when playing that the intention here was not to create amazing new games that fit modern expectations, but rather to revive some classics from yesteryear faithfully.

Every game was delivered according to the challenge, before the last day of the calendar month. The only one I went back to review was Mined Out. I had some spare time in the following month, and wasn’t happy with the final quality of that game so went back and added a little more polish, while still trying to remain true to the original game.

Each image below links to a separate page with a little more information, and a link to a web playable version of the game as it was delivered at the end of each month.

Confuzion Screenshot

Jumping Jack Screenshot

High Noon Screenshot

Splat Screenshot

DeathChase Screenshot

Driller Screenshot

Mined Out Screenshot

Special Delivery Screenshot

Thrust Screenshot

Chuckie Egg Screenshot

Trashman Screenshot

Trashman Screenshot
